Supplies: (1) Measure your windows and purchase tension rods from Target or Walmart. (2) Purchase white "faux" linen fabric (this will be much cheaper than regular linen) and no sew seam tape with permanent hold. (3) For the ribbon ties you can pick up some white grosgrain ribbon from Target or Walmart. Instructions: (1) Cut your curtains. Use your window mearsurements and add two (2) inches to account for your hems. (2) Create your hems on the the sides and bottom of each curtain panel by placing your seam tape in between your layers of fabric and ironing with instructions on seam tape. (3) Create your pole pockets just like you created your hems--measure two (2) inches from the top, fold over and iron. (4) Hang your curtain panels in place. (5) Add your ribbon ties by placing the robbon over the top of the drape shade and tension rod. Determine how long you want your ties to be and make knots for that length. Voila! Pin It
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