Let me start out by saying I'm not a good writer. I will probably not have you hanging on line by line as you read this blog but I hope to refine my writing skills as the posts grow. For my blogging debut, I choose to share with you my year long obsession--a terra-cotta pumpkin chiminea. So you can truly appreciate my quest, let me give you the back story.
We moved into our new house a year and half ago. Jackson loves to go strolling so we walk our neighborhood and the adjacent neighborhood a few times a week. During Halloween last year, I came across the most beautiful pumpkin chiminea I've ever seen. I was so impressed with this chiminea, I knocked on the owner's door to inquire as to where I could purchase one of these beauties to call my very own. Turns out, she couldn't remember where she purchased her chiminea..... hmmm, sounds fishy to me. All she could [would] tell me was that she got it at a local garden shop on sale at the end of the season the previous Halloween.
OK--now I'm on a mission. I've searched all the local garden shops, surrounding area garden shops and the Internet and I'm growing increasing obsessed with getting a chiminea to call my own. After several months of searching, I find a store that carries the chiminea, YEAH! To my surprise, there are three different one's to choose from so I grow increasing excited about my discovery. Enter problem #1, the store is in Canada. I e-mail the owner about purchasing a chiminea--her response, that'll be $400. My response, mission back on!
I continue my Internet searching and come across an archived story from 2004 that has the pumpkin chiminea's photographed at a garden shop in New Jersey. YEAH, my search is over. I e-mail and call the owner about purchasing a chiminea--Enter problem #2. Owner's response, I don't have anymore and the company that I buy them from is no longer selling them. My response, mission continues! I wait a few weeks and decide to check the Internet again since it's getting closer to Halloween. Just maybe I'll get lucky. Guess what, I did! A pleasant man in Atlanta, GA has the pumpkin chiminea's for sale at his booth in an antique mall in Midtown. I e-mail him about purchasing a chiminea--his response, SOLD! My response, YEAH!!!!!!! My mother and I drove over on Saturday to pick up my chiminea and it is now proudly displayed at my front door! Never underestimate the power of a woman on a mission!
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