Football is a BIG BIG deal in the South, especially here in Alabama. We NEVER stop talking, thinking or getting ready for Alabama (or that other team if you're a fan) football. And, being a fan means really being a fan--gear, buttons, houndstooth, you name it! Well, on a company trip out to Dallas this week I spotted one of the BEST Alabama football players of all time, Trent Richardson, and I couldn't decide if I should approach him for a picture or not. Even though I'm a fan, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be THAT fan that bugged the guy in the airport. But, after a few Facebook posts and some courage gained through friends, I decided to go for it. This is my AWESOME picture with a really AWSOME guy. He was super nice and I can't wait to watch him tear it up in the NFL--GO TRENT and RTR!!
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