Normally, I post about our weekend on Monday's but I've been away from the computer until now due to an ice storm. We stocked up on milk & bread, got extra gas for the generator in case our power went out, put new batteries in all the flashlights, and got the house in order so we could just enjoy some fun at home with the boys. And, while we got a few days at home, the boys were not the least bit interested in going outside to explore. We bundled them up for an ice exploration but they were having none of it. Macklin yelled "cold, cold" as soon as we opened the door which was immediately followed by a "no, no" as we ventured out onto the stoop. Jackson slipped a bit on the ice and that was it--back inside for some donuts, cartoons and heat! Luckily, everything is now back to normal and there isn't much left of the 2011 Ice Storm!

The weekend was rather enjoyable for us. Friday night, we meet some friends for Mexican and it was really nice. The boys had a lot of fun playing with their kids and we enjoyed a meal outside the house. Saturday we drove to Tuscaloosa to visit with my grandmother to celebrate her 85th birthday. We enjoyed a great lunch, some Edgar's strawberry cake and played with trains (of course) during our visit. It was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast. Sunday we did laundry, cleaned out and organized our kitchen cabinets and pantry, cooked Chicken Parmesan and a yummy beef goulash for the week and settled in for our 2011 ice storm--it was a wonderful four day weekend!
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