Shutters--I love the use of these shutters to add height and interest to this space. I see these all the time in antique malls, thrift stores and yard sales for cheap! Great idea for an inexpensive way to add some interest to your space.

Old marries New--I love this room in a new house and I appreciate the challenges that go with decorating a new space. It can be difficult to make something new feel older and have character and this room blends vintage signs and pieces very well. I love the use of vintage signs and letters to help give the space some added character--I'm definitely taking notes!

Bold is the new Black--this bold wallpaper is the perfect contrast to the vintage chest that's been given a makeover with a simple coat of black paint!

Patina Tiles--new I say more. Ceiling tiles are in abundance in antique stores so why not put them to good use in a different way!
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