Ray's mother, whom I call "Mutti" and the boys call "GiGi" makes the most amazing Turkey Noodle Soup, complete with homemade noodles, from the Thanksgiving Turkey leftovers. Her grandmother and mother used to make it and Ray had her show him how to make it a few years ago. I LOVE family recipes and we have fun making this together every year--its become an after Thanksgiving staple for us!

First he boils the turkey pieces leftover from carving the bird for Thanksgiving dinner. He reserves the broth and adds some additional seasonings.

Next, he makes noodles with egg, flour and milk. After rolling the noodles out flat with a rolling pin, he slices them into strips with a pizza cutter and lets them dry before adding them to the soup pot.

And here's the final product--it's so YUMMY!
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