The one thing we really liked about our house when we picked the floor plan was the entry way. The foyer is nice, long and welcoming. We chose to do hardwood floors instead of tile so the entire space would be seamless and we are very happy with our decision. We used to have a large rug in the center of the space but it was in Jackson & Macklin's way for riding their train so we've moved it to our laundry room so they have plenty of open space!

There's a tiny wall right behind the front door where I have a small, distressed white table I found at a local antique mall.

This is the space at the bottom of the stairs. This cabinet was Ray's when we got married and I gave it a little face-lift with some suede paint. The lamp I purchased at an estate sale for a dollar and I spray painted it red for a punch of color.

This is the hallway that brings guests into the keeping room and kitchen. The pictures on the wall are one's Ray and I took on our trips to Greece, St. Lucia, Jamaica, Seattle and all sorts of fun places we visited prior to babies! The tiered cabinet was a clearance purchase at Pier One and we have lots of family and travel pictures displayed on it. The wall across from it has two Magnolia Lane wooden frames I LOVE--sorry I don't have a photograph to share (you can see a side view of where they hang on the wall in the very first picture)! One of the frames is hand-painted with 1 Corinthians 13 (we had this verse read at our wedding) and the other is the frame "Life is Not Measured"--they are really special and I hope to get another to add to my collection for Christmas!
Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a blessed weekend!
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Love the photo wall!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
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