I realized that I haven't posted about my Interior Design 101 class in a while so I thought I'd catch you up. Tonight is the fourth meeting of our six class session. So far, we've studied space planning, design terms, colors and field drawing. Each student selected a room in their home as their "class project" and we had to draw that room to scale. Yes, that's my room of choice in the picture and it's our master bedroom/sitting room. This room has several "design" challenges so I'm excited to actually go through the space on paper and devise a space plan before the designing begins (pretty cool, huh?)! And, see those little pieces of paper? Those are the furniture cutouts we use to move everything around the room to achieve the designed space--trust me, this method is much easier on the back! Cutting all these little pieces out reminded me of playing paper dolls when I was a little girl. Funny thing, I think I had way more fun than I remember with the paper dolls (yes, I'm a dork, I know)! I am really excited about tonight's class to hear
everyone's design ideas for the space. Two (or in this case twelve) heads are better than one!
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