Our weekend was nice and although not as quiet as previous weekends, it was fun. We started the weekend out on Friday with a quick trip to Target for a "special" prize after school. Jackson has been such a BIG boy this past week, let me explain. We have been potty training for quiet sometime. He's done very well, a few accidents here and there but that's too be expected. Well, last week was his very first week without wearing pull-ups at night time! And, guess what? No accidents!! While all that is good and we'd love to take the credit, it was all his idea. Daddy was getting him dressed for bed after bath-time and he told his daddy, "I'm a big boy and big boys don't wear diapers!" So, I promised him I'd take him to the store for a "special" prize if he went without pull-ups all week! What did he get you ask? Why, a train, of course!
Saturday we made our usual trip to the park and I was reminded why boys will give you a heart-attack! Both thought it was amusing, and fun, to climb on top of the train and jump to daddy. Mommy did not find it as amusing but they all enjoyed themselves! Saturday night we watched some football and made it to bed by 7:30pm--it was AWESOME!
Sunday we made an impromptu trip to Tuscaloosa to visit my parents. That afternoon, we made meals for the coming week, played with trains and dinosaurs, washed what seemed to be every item of clothing in the house, and started getting rooms ready for Christmas decorations. It was a nice weekend!
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