Oh, the agony of defeat--not a good feeling at all! Even when you know that eventually it is gonna be your turn to experience it, you are never fully prepared for it. We didn't feel like this weekend was gonna be our weekend to experience this agony but oh, it was and it hurt!
Alabama football has always been a big part of our life. It's how Ray got from the west coast to the south. It's how we met and it's what we lived for when we were first married and worked in sports marketing. All the fun of the Saturday gameday experience with family and friends awaiting the sound of "Sweet Home Alabama" and chanting "Rammer Jammer" with the close of the fourth quarter; it's awesome! This Saturday began on a high note and ended without a chant of any kind as we experienced our first loss in quiet some time to the South Carolina Gamecocks, 35-21.
We had a great group of friends over to watch the game and enjoyed a yummy menu of"White Gamecock Chili", "Baked Gamecock Tortillas", "Crimson & White Cake", and "Big Al" cookies. Ray thought my high school megaphone and pom poms were a bit overkill but I don't agree--I thought they were the perfect touch!

The boys had a blast playing with all the other kids and were eager to shout out a "Roll Tide!"

Although we didn't win, we had a great day with family and friends. Reluctantly, We have accepted our defeat and are now lined up beneath our state rival, the Auburn Tigers in the polls. Looks like it's gonna be an entertaining Iron Bowl in November and the stakes are even higher. Let's dust it off and put a new game face on: can I get a Roll Tide Roll!!
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