For us, the weekends tend to evolve around the boys and lots of child friendly activities and let me just say, this weekend was no exception! We managed to do some trick-or-treating, a little holiday shopping, some gameday cooking, had a visit with Grammy & Poppy and we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at the park!

Friday we picked the boys up from school and headed straight to the Birmingham Zoo for "Boo at the Zoo". We do this event every year and the boys were very excited! Jackson could hardly wait to be a dinosaur and mommy could hardly wait for Macklin to dawn his bat costume. The boys (all 3 of them) enjoyed the scary train ride (twice), the spooky carousel and lots for Halloween fun!

Saturday, Macklin and I met my good friend Becky and her son Leo for some holiday shopping at The Market. Are we crazy for attempting such with an 18 month old and a 2 year old, you ask? Why, not at all. Surprisingly, the boys were really great and we had a wonderful time checking out all the merchandise. We even scored an AWESOME pair of cowboy boots for $33. Yes, you read that right, $33. I can't wait to introduce you to them!

Saturday night we cooked a amazing meal of pork tenderloin, roasted vegetables, potato pancakes and margaritas as we watched the Tide take on Ole Miss for homecoming. We marinated the tenderloin with a product I got at The Market called "Hot Squeeze" and it was absolutely yummy! The game was good and although it was not a glamorous win but we did manage to pull it out, 23-10!

We topped the weekend off on Sunday with a visit from Grammy & Poppy. The boys enjoyed riding on the "race-car" (that's Jackson's term for the golf cart) and an afternoon trip to the park. The swings and the slide were a big hit until the ice-cream truck arrived--I've never seen a playground clear so quickly! They enjoyed their ice-cream and we headed home for dinner, bath-time, story-time and prepared for the school week ahead--it was a great weekend!

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